The best known walk in the Tasmania is the Overland Track that stretches from Cradle Mountain to Lake St. Clair and passes passes the highest peaks in Tasmania. The Overland Track is world renowned with overseas visitors travelling to Tasmania purely to walk this magnificent area of Tasmania. Its popularity is well deserved and the track well marked and easy to follow. The walk is varied in that it passes through a wide variety of landscapes in the Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair National Park. Click here for camping tasmania guide. Overland Track Fees are payable to walk the track during the busy summer period of 01 November – 30 April. Overland Track – Cradle Mountain Lake St. Clair National Park. The Overland Track experience commences in the northern part of Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair National Park, at Ronny Creek, climbing out of the Cradle Valley and finishes at Narcissus Bay on Lake St Clair.